Source code for amadeus.reference_data.locations._points_of_interest

from amadeus.client.decorator import Decorator
from amadeus.reference_data.locations.points_of_interest._by_square \
    import BySquare

[docs]class PointsOfInterest(Decorator, object): def __init__(self, client): Decorator.__init__(self, client) self.by_square = BySquare(client)
[docs] def get(self, **params): ''' Returns a list of relevant point of interests near to a given point. .. code-block:: python client.reference_data.locations.points_of_interest.get( longitude=2.160873, latitude=41.397158 ) :param latitude: latitude of geographic location to search around. For example: ``41.397158`` :param longitude: longitude of geographic location to search around. For example: ``2.160873`` :rtype: amadeus.Response :raises amadeus.ResponseError: if the request could not be completed ''' return self.client.get( '/v1/reference-data/locations/pois', **params)