Source code for amadeus.client.response

from amadeus.mixins.parser import Parser

[docs]class Response(Parser, object): ''' The response object returned for every API call. :var http_response: the raw http response :var request: the original Request object used to make this call :vartype request: amadeus.Request :var result: the parsed JSON received from the API, if the result was JSON :vartype result: dict :var data: the data extracted from the JSON data, if the body contained JSON :vartype data: dict :var body: the raw body received from the API :vartype body: str :var parsed: wether the raw body has been parsed into JSON :vartype parsed: bool :var status_code: The HTTP status code for the response, if any :vartype status_code: int ''' # Initialize the Response object with the # HTTPResponse object to parse, the client that made the request # and the original request made def __init__(self, http_response, request): self.http_response = http_response self.request = request # PROTECTED # Parses the response, using the client to log any errors def _parse(self, client): self._parse_status_code() self._parse_data(client) return self