Source code for

from amadeus.client.decorator import Decorator

[docs]class HotelBookings(Decorator, object):
[docs] def post(self, hotel_offer_id, guests, payments): ''' Books a hotel .. code-block:: python, guests, payments) The parameters guests and payments can be passed as dictionary or list of dictionaries. If they are dictionary in this method they are converted to a list of dictionaries. :rtype: amadeus.Response :raises amadeus.ResponseError: if the request could not be completed ''' guests_info = [] payment_info = [] if not isinstance(guests, list): guests_info.append(guests) else: guests_info.extend(guests) if not isinstance(payments, list): payment_info.append(payments) else: payment_info.extend(payments) body = {'data': {'offerId': hotel_offer_id, 'guests': guests_info, 'payments': payment_info}} return'/v1/booking/hotel-bookings', body)